Alternative Education

Exemplary Practices in Alternative Education

Across the United States, alternative schools, programs and classrooms are serving students who are not succeeding in the traditional educational setting.  Often this population of learners exhibits one or more of the following traits: under-performing academically, possessing learning disabilities, displaying emotional or behavioral issues, being deliberate or inadvertent victims of the behavioral problems of others, displaying a high risk of potential expulsion, suspension, or dropping out of school, and/or displaying the need for individualized instruction.  Alternative education offers innovative, non-traditional approaches to teaching this population of learners, which aides in preventing these students from becoming dropouts. 

With that in mind and in an effort to enhance the quality of alternative education in all fifty states, the National Alternative Education Association (NAEA) identified and crafted ten exemplary practices in the field.  Forged from research on productive alternative programs in Tennessee and beyond, as well as the wisdom of alternative educators from accross the US, the exemplary practices represent a national effort to develop a common core of principles.  
We strongly encourage all Tennessee alternative and nontraditional educators utilize and share the document below.  Please circulate it widely to members of the public, within the professional community, and to policy-makers.  It is through a shared vision that our students are assured the schooling they will need to carry out the responsibilities of the future. 

The Tennessee Alternative Education Association or TAEA is membership-based organization dedicated to exemplary practice, professional development, knowledge sharing, public policy development, and advocacy aimed at advancing alternative and nontraditional education in Tennessee and beyond.